ᗙᗙ Digital Circuits" In digital electronics digital circuitry can be classified into two category first combinational circuits and second is sequential circuits.…
Before i come into the topic i have some questions that relate the topic. 👉👉 Have you ever travel through Metro 🤔 and have you paid your bill💰 in the shop using you…
No matter how far we have advanced in the field of technology today, most of our entertainment today is on YouTube on mobile.This data transmission transmit in the …
We all humans have tendency to get everything as free.In this digital society we all need free software free games free music free hd movies before release. Th…
If you are a part time content writer,youtuber,app developer and or a scribe (Author or writer) and if your content is unique or popular there are several ways to …
Piracy डकैती का नाम सुनते ही आप सभी के दिमाग में चोर लुटेरों ,डाकू की छवि उभरी होगी कुछ लोगों के दिमाग में तो " कप्तान जैक स्परो " …
As the technology is growing up also our entertainment facilities is much increasing and in this way we all familiar with the movies in our daily life . There are …
RAM Memory To store information given to the system we need some space known as storage /memory of the system. Any computer knows only (1,0)binary code. …
GPS Global Positioning system is a global based navigation system owned by United State Government (GOOGLE). T hat provides the geolocations and time in…
COMPUTER As we all know that the creation of the computer is one of the greatest achievement of the human society.Today It's importance in our daily life becom…
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