
As we all know that the creation of the computer is one of the greatest achievement of the human society.Today It's importance in our daily life becomes such a necessary basic things. Computer is that mechine which bond all the electronic devices in a network.By this networking all the world came as like in our palm.
  1. C:Comonly
  2. O:Operating
  3. M:Mechine
  4. P:Porpusly
  5. U:Used For
  6. T:Trade
  7. E:Education and
  8. R:Research
    Charls Bawage is known as the father of the computer
    Deffination of the computer
    A Computer is an electronic mechine / device which is used for perform easiy & Complax Mathematical Calculations,take logical dessicions,store data as when desired.
    DATA: All the input given to the computer are called the data.
    Data are consifered as a raw material of the informaation given to the computer system.
      Facts Related to the computer
    1. First Computer : ABACUS
    2. First Computer Programmer : LADY AGYASTYA
    3. First Electromic Computer : ENIAC
    4. First Super Computer of India : PARAM

The general characterstic of the computer
  1. Speed with accuracy
  2. Versatility
  3. Large storage capacity
  4. Diligence
Basic Operations of the Computer

All the Computer perform on 5 basic operations:

Computer Generation
First Generation
  1. Use of Vacume tube in circuits.
  2. Use of magnatic drums as primary internal storage medium.
  3. Limited main storage capacity.
  4. Slow input/output Programming.
  5. Low level symbolic language programming.
  6. Heat and maintanence problem.
Second Generation
  1. use of transistors At teh place of Vacuum tubes.
  2. Use of magnatic core as primary internal storage medium.
  3. Increased speed and relaiability.
  4. high level Programming language(COBOL and FORTRAN).
    Ex: IBM 1401,Honeywell 200,CDC 1604.
Third Generation
  1. Use of IC (Integreated Circuit)
  2. Use of magnatic core as primary storage medium.
  3. More flexible input/output.
  4. Smaller sixe,better speed and better performance.
  5. Increased speed and better performance and reliability.
  6. Extensive use of high level programming languages.
  7. Availibility of operating system software to controle input/output.
    Ex:IBM system/360,NCR395,Burrough b6500.

Forth Generation
  1. Use of large scale integreated circuits.
  2. Increased Storage capicity and speed.
  3. Modular design and compatibility between hardware provided by different manufacturers.
  4. Greater versatility of Input/Output devices.
  5. Introduction of microprocessor and microcomputers.
  6. Increased use of microcomputers.
    Ex:IBM PC_XT (microcomputer),Apple2,Honeywall6080 series.
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