Combinational Circuits

  ᗙᗙ Digital Circuits" 

In digital electronics digital circuitry can be classified into two category first combinational circuits and second is sequential circuits.The logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of a combinational circuit. By using the combination of logic gates more complex combinational circuits can be implemented such as multiplexers and de-multiplexers, comparators, adders and subtractors, etc. A combinational circuit comprises of input variables, logic gates and output variables. The logic gates accepts the inputs and depending on the type of functioning of the logic gate, output signals are generated from them. The required output data is obtained from this process by transforming the binary information given at the input.
A combinational logic circuit is one in which the present state of the combination of the logic inputs decides the output . The term combination logic means combining of two or more logic gates to form a required function where the output at a given time depends only on the input. The logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of a combinational circuit. By using the combination of logic gates more complex combinational circuits can be implemented such as multiplexers and de-multiplexers, comparators, adders and subtractors, etc. Combinational circuits are used in a wide variety applications including calculators, digital measuring techniques, computers, digital processing, automatic control of machines, industrial processing, digital communications, etc. Depending on the function of the logic circuit employed for, combinational logic circuits are mainly classified into three types, namely Arithmetic and logic circuits, Data Transmission circuits and Code converter circuits.
                              This   ▶▶ PPt will help you to understand the various combinational logic circuits   in a simple manner   📍 👇👇

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