Global Positioning system is a global based navigation system owned by United State Government(GOOGLE).
That provides the geolocations and time information of the recver. The GPS project was launched by U.S government of defence in 1973 use for the it's Military Personnels.
The working of the G.P.S based upon the Geographical Coordinate Systems-which are as follow;
  1. Longitude
  2. Latitude
These are the hypothetical lines traced over the whole earth.
  • Horizontal Coordinate [latitude]

  • The line traced parallel to the equator.
    parallel of latitude is named as equator.
    Equator diveds the globe into Northern and Southern Hemisphare.

  • Vertical Coordinate System [longitude]

    It is an another geographical coordinate system that runs around the earth vertacillly and meat at North and South poles.These lines are known as Meridians.
    The Prime Meridian line passs through the Royal observatory Greenwich London England.
    No of lattitude are: 181
    No of longitude are: 360 
  • Laser project from the royal observatory Greenwich England making the prime meridian.

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