Triple point

Triple Point The buety of nature
We can't amagine that

one of the most intresting topics in the thermodynamics the triple point of the system is one of them.
Thermodynamic is the branch of physic where we deals about the motion of heat
As we know that there are generally four states of matter exist in the nature are namely-
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
  4. plasma
The interchanging of the states between each other is known as:
  1. Solid➡️melting(fusion)➡️liquid
  2. liquid➡️soldification(freezing)➡️solid
  3. liquid➡️vaporizatio➡️gas
  4. gas➡️condensation➡️liquid
  5. solid➡️Sublimation➡️gas

The triple point of the system is the poin where the all the three states of the matter exist at the same time.This is due to the temperature and pressure of the matter maintained itself towards into thermal equlibrium.
'Corresponding to the abnormal behavior of the liquid at low pressures, and probably connected to it, the solid also shows abnormal behavior...'
For more statical information you can also visit this site:
click here
This is very exciting to see the all states of the mater at a same time.So glorious that is.

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