🤔Is your password safe ????

In previous blog i have told you about how the end to end encription works between data sender and recipient.In that case our confidential data is fully secured but can be accesse by reciepent.It means recipient can be easily read or write on it.

If you haven't read my previous blog under label *Network security*topic "encryption"then i highly recommend you should read it first to further proceding on this topic.

For that here i am giving you the link of that blog for your convenience you which will redirect you on that blog automatically. 

Now come to the our present topic- first of all a question rises *if the recipient can access our data then what will be happen if the workers on particular website where we have submit our login credentials such as user name or password, stolen by some of them*???.

They will also access🤔.Then what will be happend about privacy of our data???


For this, we introduce a mathematical function or tool that converts our input into 15-20 alphanumeric codes. One important thing about this function is that it is "impossible to revese".

It is completely garbage for employees who works for that server or site.
 It can only be used for matching. If matched then login confirmation otherwise login failure.

So rest assured 😋 that your data is limited only to you.
Unless you tell it to anyone.Then never share your confidential information with anyone like OTP, Password etc.

i hope this blog become informative for you and you have learnt some new things.If it is then share it with your friends and family member.

For contacting me go through the*contact me*section.

👍Be safe👍

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